[vc_row custom_bg_type=”image” custom_bg_cover=”cover” custom_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” custom_bg_position=”Center center” nav_skin=”light” consent_include=”include” el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“150“,“padding-bottom“:“30“}}” custom_bg_color=”{“solid“:{“id“:“Dark color“,“color“:“#151221“}}” overlay_color=”{“dir“:“to top“,“from“:{“id“:“custom_color“,“color“:“#151424“},“to“:{“id“:“custom_color“,“color“:“rgba(21,20,36,0.5)“}}” custom_bg_image=”7636″][vc_column css_animation=””][vc_heading heading_text=”Frequently Asked Questions” heading_wrapper=”h1″ heading_color=”{“solid“:{“id“:“custom_1334459184315555“,“color“:“rgba(255,255,255,1)“}}” heading_typography=”{“font_size“:“40px“}” responsiveness=”yes” tablet_portrait=”95″ mobile_landscape=”80″ mobile_portrait=”70″ css_animation=””][vc_text_element typography=”{“font_size“:“16px“}” disable_margin=”yes” css_animation=”” color=”{“id“:“custom_1334459184315555“,“color“:“rgba(255,255,255,1)“}”]Here’s a few answers to our most common questions.[/vc_text_element][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row nav_skin=”light” consent_include=”include” el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“60“,“padding-bottom“:“60“}}”][vc_column css_animation=””][vc_custom_tour style=”style_3″ fixed_width=”20″ skin=”light” scheme=”colorful” title_wrapper=”h3″ title_typography=”{“variants“:“600“,“font_size“:“16px“}” tab_animation=”default” css_animation=””][vc_custom_tab title=”Tickets” tab_id=”tab-1516818881-1-83″ icon=”{“font“:“scape-basic“,“icon“:“scape-basic-Note-Book-12“}”][vc_row_inner consent_include=”include”][vc_column_inner el_design=”{“mobile_landscape“:{“padding-left“:“0“},“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“0“,“padding-right“:“0“,“padding-bottom“:“0“,“padding-left“:“0“}}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list skin=”light” title_typography=”{“font_family“:“1599911623851577“,“variants“:“400“,“subsets“:“latin“,“font_size“:“18px“}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How can I track how many people view the microsite or made the payment?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]These features allow user to track the performance of the online advertisement on Google Adwords or Facebook Pixel.
Now you can integrate your microsite with Google Analytics (GA) or Facebook Pixel (FB Pixel). You can insert your GA or FB Pixel script inside your form by following these steps:
- Go to Microsite
- Click on Microsite Details
- Paste your GA or FB Pixel script at Custom Script Field
- Choose either the script is for Page View or Registered/Paid
.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How do I handle offline payment?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]We understand that online payment is not for everyone. In 2019, we have rolled out a new feature to allow user to enable offline payment in their form. Now, user will have options either to enable only online payment, offline payment or both in their microsite or registration form.
To find this option you can go to Microsite Module and find the payment options at Form Setting
Once you enabled offline payment (Pay Later), user also can customize the confirmation email that registrant going to receive if they choose Pay Later as their payment options.
User is advised to include payment instruction inside the confirmation email.
Will people who register using Pay Later receive the e-ticket when they registered?
The answer is NO.
The registrant will only be going to receive an email to acknowledge their registration. However, they will not receive the e-ticket until the organizer (Evenesis User) send it to them.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Why should I use the Modern Microsite?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]
- Customize microsite color tab, buttons, and fonts
- Dual language microsite. With the new Modern Microsite you can switch the microsite between English & Malay.
- Have a private microsite. People who want to view or register your microsite will have to enter the access code before they can view the content of the microsite.
- Group registration. Now people can register in group and the confirmation email will be sent to them separately and individually.
To access these new features you can go to Microsite>>Microsite Details. The features will be available at New Microsite Maintenance section
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How can I do group registration using Evenesis?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]There are 2 ways Evenesis can help you with the group registration:
- Group registration where all the tickets purchased will be under single name
- Group registration where all the tickets purchased will be sent individually
If you prefer the 1st option, you can simply insert value more than 1 at Max Ticket Per Order in Ticket Setting.
If you prefer option 2, then you will need to enable Multiple Guest option in Microsite setting. Go to Microsite>>Microsite Details>>New Microsite Maintenance
But please note that this function only available in Modern Microsite & Registration Form[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”I created my tickets but I cannot find my registration form link on the Links page.”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]The registration form link on the ‘Links page’ will appear once you have filled in the Event Details for your Microsite.
If you are not using the Microsite, just fill in the Event Details and Click ‘Save’. It will not affect your registration form.
Do it this way if you are using the Registration form WITHOUT the Microsite.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I create a ‘Promo Code’ for my tickets?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Go to Microsite>>Ticket>>Add New Promo Code.
To use the ‘Promo Code’ please create the tickets first.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I track the number of people who has purchased my tickets via Evenesis?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Go to ‘Advanced Guest Search’ at ‘Database Module’, set the ticket type to ‘All’ or any ticket types and then click ‘Search’.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”What are the steps for ticket reimbursement?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can email to our support team with this following details:
Event Name:
Evenesis Email Address:
Bank Details:
Malaysia/Local Bank
Bank Account No:
Bank Account Name:
Bank Name:
International Bank
Swift Code:
Bank Account Name
Bank Account Number:
Bank Branch Name:
Bank Branch Full Address:
Company Address:
Postal Code:
Company Registration Number:
If you prefer for us to transfer the amount via Paypal (only applicable for tickets using international currency), please provide us your Paypal Account details.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How long will it take for the payment to be transferred to my bank account?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]
We will reimburse the ticket on monthly basis. Amount will be disbursed on the 10th and 26th of each month. If the date fall on holiday period, disbursement will take place on the next working days.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Does the ticket payment go directly to my bank account?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]
All the payment will reside on Evenesis account. The disbursement of the ticket will be made on monthly basis. The amount will be disbursed on the 10th or 26th of each month. If the date fall on the holiday period, disbursement will take place on the next working days.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How can I request for a refund?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]FOR ORGANIZER
To apply for refund for the attendees you may contact our support team with details below:
Event Name:
Transaction No/ID:
Attendees Name:
Attendees Email:
All requests must be submitted in email. Any request via another medium of communication will not be accepted.
Evenesis will only process refunds directly to the attendees for transactions that are happening 6 days or before Thursday. The transaction period is between Friday – Wednesday each week. If the request coming after the period or after Wednesday, the organizer will have to do the refunding process from your end.
After the period, organizers or the attendees will not receive the refund in full amount as the payment gateway has processed the payment and deducted the payment fees and tax. May refer the calculation below:
Amount Paid by Attendees: RM 1000.00
Online Fees Charged by Payment Gateway:
5% x RM 1,000.00 = RM 50.00
6% x Online Fees Amount (RM 50.00): RM 3.00
Total Deduction:
RM 50.00 + RM 3.00 = RM 53.00
Amount To Be Refunded/Received by Organizer or Attendees:
RM 1000.00 – RM 53.00 = RM 947.00
In order to initiate a refund request, Evenesis instructs Attendees or Participants to contact the Organizer directly as set forth in the Organizer’s applicable refund policy. If attendees are unable to get Organizer’s contact, you may contact our support team. Our team will help you to get the Organizer details for you to request your refund.
Evenesis will only proceed with the refunding process if the request is coming from the Organizer.
Evenesis will only process refunds directly to the attendees for transactions that are happening 6 days or before Thursday. The transaction period is between Friday – Wednesday each week. If the request coming after the period or after Wednesday, the refund will be processed/handled by the Organizer and processing fees (online fees + tax) will apply to the amount.
Once the refund process has been approved, it may take 7-15 days for the amount to be transferred in your account.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][/vc_expandable_list][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_custom_tab][vc_custom_tab title=”Guests/Contacts” tab_id=”tab-0083ae5d-8ca3-cl” icon=”{“font“:“scape-basic“,“icon“:“scape-basic-Notebook-3“}”][vc_row_inner consent_include=”include”][vc_column_inner el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“0“,“padding-right“:“0“,“padding-bottom“:“0“,“padding-left“:“0“}}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list skin=”light” title_typography=”{“font_family“:“1599911623851577“,“variants“:“400“,“subsets“:“latin“,“font_size“:“18px“}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Where can I get the list of invalid email or blacklisted email in my contact/guestlist?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can export the list of invalid email or blacklisted email using Evenesis.
You can go to Database>>Guestlist>>Click on Other Action Button>>Select Export Invalid Emails from Other Action Dropdown Menu
The email is mark blacklisted by the system if there the email has a bounced record. If you’re sure that one of the emails that were blacklisted by the system is valid, to let our support team know in order for us to whitelist the email address.
Sometimes a valid email can be bounced because of various reason and one of the common reason is the inbox of the email is full.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I export the ‘Guestlist’ or ‘Masterlist’ from Evenesis?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Go to Database>>Other Action>>Export List to Excel.
To export the Masterlist from Evenesis go to Database>>Masterlist>>Other Action>>Export to Excel.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”What’s the difference between ‘Import Records Only’ and ‘Import and Update Existing Records’?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]When you upload an Excel file, the system will check (based on the email addresses) whether the data exists in your ‘Masterlist’ first before uploading it into the ‘Guestlist’.
If you choose to ‘Import Records Only’, the system will pull out all the existing data such as first name, mobile number, address, and other relevant info from the Masterlist.
If you choose ‘Import and Update Existing Records’ the system will check the data from the ‘Masterlist’ and update the information for that specific info.
This feature is useful if you want to update your contact details such as name, address or mobile number.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”What is the difference between a Masterlist and a Guestlist?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]
The ‘Guestlist’ is a list of data from your current/single event.
The ‘Masterlist’ is a ‘master data storage’ of all the guests’ from your events.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Failure to upload the Excel file.”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Please make sure that you are using the correct Excel template before you upload it.
To download the Excel template go to Database>>Import Contacts>>Click Excel file Logo.
Make sure the template is saved in ‘CSV’ format and there are no symbols (!,#$%^&*;,./[]’) in the email address column.
The system will automatically abort the process once it detects any symbol in the email address column in the Excel list.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”I have a 100 contacts in Excel but it only uploaded 80 contacts into Evenesis. How can I rectify this error?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Double-check whether those contacts missing from your Excel list are in fact already in the Evenesis system.
The system will not upload any repeat email addresses that are already in the system to avoid data duplication.
Check whether there are any duplicate emails in the Excel file.
If there are duplicates where you have 2 contacts with the same email address (with different names), the system will only upload either one instead of both emails into the system.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][/vc_expandable_list][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_custom_tab][vc_custom_tab title=”Emails” tab_id=”tab-aae965c6-8dbc-cl” icon=”{“font“:“scape-media“,“icon“:“scape-media-Mixer-2“}”][vc_row_inner consent_include=”include”][vc_column_inner el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“0“,“padding-right“:“0“,“padding-bottom“:“0“,“padding-left“:“0“}}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list skin=”light” title_typography=”{“font_family“:“1599911623851577“,“variants“:“400“,“subsets“:“latin“,“font_size“:“18px“}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Where can I get the list of invalid email or blacklisted email in my contact/guestlist?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can export the list of invalid email or blacklisted email using Evenesis.
You can go to Database>>Guestlist>>Click on Other Action Button>>Select Export Invalid Emails from Other Action Dropdown Menu
The email is mark blacklisted by the system if there the email has a bounced record. If you’re sure that one of the emails that were blacklisted by the system is valid, to let our support team know in order for us to whitelist the email address.
Sometimes a valid email can be bounced because of various reason and one of the common reason is the inbox of the email is full.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I resend my invitation to guests who have not responded?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can resend your email to those who have not responded by using ‘Send Invitation By Status’.
This feature allows you to add more people from your contact list after you have made your first blasting.
Please note that you can only use this feature only to those who have not been invited yet.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I insert an image into my email content?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Click the icon and a dialogue box will appear. Insert the image here.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I check my scheduled email?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]To check scheduled email for ‘Invitation’ go to Invitation>>Scheduled Invitation.
Go to Blasting>>Blasting Scheduled.
In this setting you can check the status of the scheduled email (either already being sent or still pending).
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I send out a personalized email to my contacts?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can insert this command in your email content [GuestName] for your personalized email.
Once you insert this command the system will automatically pull out the First Name from your contact list. All intended recipients will then receive the email under their own names.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I check if my email blast was delivered successfully?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can check your email status such as ‘Bounce, Delivery and Open’ at ‘Report Module’.
Go to Reports>>Email Tracker.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”I have about 100 contact emails in my ‘Guest List’ but when I want to blast the emails I can only select 40 contacts. Why are the rest missing when I want to blast the emails?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]One of the reasons is that those names may have not been verified yet.
Before uploading the Excel list, you need to send the Excel file to us first for a verification process. Once our team has verified the contact emails it will then be uploaded into the system as valid contact emails.
Another reason is that the emails may have been blacklisted by the system when the email addresses ‘bounced back’ to us (due to it being invalid) when you sent out the emails in your previous event.
Lastly, some of your contacts may have unsubscribed from you as the reason why you cannot see some of your contacts in the mailing list.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][/vc_expandable_list][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_custom_tab][vc_custom_tab title=”RSVP” tab_id=”tab-3d2d54aa-969d-cl” icon=”{“font“:“scape-basic“,“icon“:“scape-basic-Open-Mail“}”][vc_row_inner consent_include=”include”][vc_column_inner el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“0“,“padding-right“:“0“,“padding-bottom“:“0“,“padding-left“:“0“}}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list skin=”light” title_typography=”{“font_family“:“1599911623851577“,“variants“:“400“,“subsets“:“latin“,“font_size“:“18px“}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I customized confirmation email for RSVP?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Yes, you can. We just developed a feature where you can create/customize your confirmation email for RSVP Invitation. The new features also give options to you whether to issue a ticket or not upon guest RSVP.
You can find the feature in Evenesis by simply go to Invitation>>Confirmation Email>>Confirmation Email Content: select Custom Email
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”What is +Add To Your Calendar?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]The function is available automatically when guests RSVP to your event. The features will be available at RSVP Thank You, Page.
It allows your guest to add/mark the event date on their calendar.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How can I arrange the RSVP buttons position?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]To arrange the RSVP Buttons position, you can simply include this tag [ReplyButtons] inside your email content.
The system will automatically centered the RSVP button.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How can I change the color and text of the RSVP buttons?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]To customize the color of the RSVP button and text you can follow these simple steps:
- Go to Setting under Invitation Module
- Go to Edit ‘Yes’ Button Text: or Edit ‘No’ Button Text: to edit the text.
Note: If you left either of the field blank, the system will automatically use default RSVP button text.
Please do not include any symbol (‘,”,&,!,#,$,%,^,*) in Edit Button Text field. - If you intend to edit the color go to Background color:
Note: If you left either of the field blank, the system will automatically use default RSVP button color. - Click Save
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”How can I enable Guest Update Page?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]To enable Guest Update Page, you can follow these steps:
- Go to Invitation Module
- Find Guest Update After RSVP and click YES.
After you enable Guest Update Page, the guests can update their basic details such as Fullname, Position, Fax No, Mobile No and Address. All fields are mandatory.
When you enable Guest Update Page after RSVP, you will have an option to enable Remarks and Max Pax Per RSVP.
Guest Update After RSVP Page
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Where can I check my email invitation response?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]Use the filter in the Guestlist.
From here you can see how many responded with a Yes or No, Responded Yes by SMS, Email and Not Responded and in the Waiting List.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Can I set a limit to my RSVP?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]You can set your RSVP limit by going to Invitation>>Setting.
In this setting you can also set ‘RSVP end date’, enable ‘Waiting list’ and add a company logo for ‘Reply RSVP’.
[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][/vc_expandable_list][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_custom_tab][vc_custom_tab title=”SMS” tab_id=”tab-1577209629806-4-3″ icon=”{“font“:“scape-basic“,“icon“:“scape-basic-Users“}”][vc_row_inner consent_include=”include”][vc_column_inner el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“0“,“padding-right“:“0“,“padding-bottom“:“0“,“padding-left“:“0“}}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list skin=”light” title_typography=”{“font_family“:“1599911623851577“,“variants“:“400“,“subsets“:“latin“,“font_size“:“18px“}” css_animation=””][vc_expandable_list_item title=”What is the generic number via SMS when it is received by the recipient?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]All SMS will start with a 5 digit number – 66600 (Malaysia Number)[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”Will the recipient be charged for the SMS?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]No. There will be no charges when they receive the SMS.
All SMS costs that are sent out will be covered by the Evenesis user .
The rate for each SMS sent out is RM 0.10/SMS.
The recipient will be charged only if they reply to the RSVP via SMS.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][vc_expandable_list_item title=”I’ve received complaints that some of my contacts did not receive my SMS. How can I fix this?”][vc_text_element css_animation=””]This could be due to the incorrect mobile phone key-in format.
The mobile number of your contact should only consist of numbers without any space between them.
If your contact is using an overseas mobile number just insert the area code with the symbol (+).
The correct mobile number for Malaysia is 0171234567 (local) and for overseas mobile number (Australia) it will be +61423458278.[/vc_text_element][/vc_expandable_list_item][/vc_expandable_list][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_custom_tab][/vc_custom_tour][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row textalign=”align_center” nav_skin=”light” consent_include=”include” el_design=”{“desktop“:{“padding-top“:“60“,“padding-bottom“:“45“}}” custom_bg_color=”{“solid“:{“id“:“Light background“,“color“:“#f7f8fd“}}”][vc_column css_animation=””][vc_heading heading_text=”Haven’t found the answer to your question?” heading_wrapper=”p” heading_typography=”{“variants“:“500“,“font_size“:“20px“,“letter_spacing“:“-0.04em“}” css_animation=””][vc_empty_space height=”15px”][vc_button_glowing title=”Watch Tutorials” text_typography=”{“variants“:“600“,“transform“:“none“,“line_height“:“3.5em“}” size=”5″ display=”” css_animation=”” bg_color=”{“solid“:{“id“:“Main accent color“,“color“:“#00a7e0“}}” border_radius=”{“top-left“:8,“top-right“:8,“bottom-right“:8,“bottom-left“:8,“property“:“border“,“suffix“:“radius“}” bg_color_h=”{“solid“:{“id“:“Main accent color“,“color“:“#00a7e0“}}” margin=”{“top“:15,“right“:15,“bottom“:15,“left“:15,“property“:“margin“}” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DG1Q7ca2ogJI%26list%3DPL2fnek_rsOLh0SCrAeIxrEtOdONsPaF2J||target:%20_blank|”][vc_button_glowing title=”Contact Us” text_typography=”{“variants“:“600“,“transform“:“none“,“line_height“:“3.5em“}” size=”5″ display=”” css_animation=”” bg_color=”{“solid“:{“id“:“custom_4183466860032322“,“color“:“#f16b3b“}}” border_radius=”{“top-left“:8,“top-right“:8,“bottom-right“:8,“bottom-left“:8,“property“:“border“,“suffix“:“radius“}” bg_color_h=”{“solid“:{“id“:“custom_0370477077173737“,“color“:“#f16b3b“}}” margin=”{“top“:15,“right“:15,“bottom“:15,“left“:15,“property“:“margin“}” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.evenesis.com%2Fcontact-us%2F|title:Contact%20Colorful||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]