Event Management Articles, Event Management Tips, How To

5 Email Signature Mistakes You Probably Make

Published on: January 15, 2015

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5 Email Signature Mistakes You Probably Make

An average person receives over 50 emails a day, which means that if you want them to pay attention to yours, you’ll actually have to know what you’re doing. Due to the fact that email is so easy to use, many people make the same mistakes over and over again and can’t see why they are not getting the replies that they are counting on.

These are the top 5 common email signature mistakes that you should avoid by all cost.

1. Too much contact information

A few contact options are fine but don’t include multiple email addresses, phone numbers, websites, and social media networks! Instead of giving more options to the receiver, you’ll just overwhelm them.

2. Using images

Often times people won’t be able to see the images when they open their emails, so if you’re using an image as your signature they won’t see it as well. Use text only to increase your chances of getting a response.

3. Not being mobile friendly

With the smartphone market booming, over 50% of the emails are being opened on mobile devices. Don’t make the mistake of having your signature too big, so that people using these mobile devices can actually see it.

4. Not keeping it relevant or updated

Make sure that the links you’re including in your signature are relevant. If you want the person to reply back to the email, maybe you shouldn’t link to your latest article or something similar. You also have to make sure that any links in your signature, should be linking to pages that are updated and working.

5. Your sign off

“Best Regards”, “Sincerely” and “Take care” is fine but if you really want to make a difference and make the person that is receiving the email remember you, you have to get more creative. Don’t get too crazy or outrageous here but a little bit of flair or humor can go a long way.