Financing and Managing Your Event – The Must Knows

Managing an event, sounds simple, doesn’t it? Truth is, it can be one of the most challenging things to do in life.

Believe it or not, unless events are organized with proper planning, things can go wrong at any stage. Event planning starts from the very beginning. The first headache is to arrange finance. How do you decide on the finance for the event? What if you do manage to get an estimate of the money that is needed but it turns out that you are short of finances? You would have to look out for sponsors for the event then. Here are some must knows which will help you organize an event:

Increasing Visibility Through Google Plus

Are you wondering if you can use Google plus to boost your site’s visibility in search engines? Then the answer is yes! Just like Facebook, you can actually use Google Plus to improve your visibility. If you are an event planner looking for some event management solutions, then Google Plus can help too.

Understandably, Google Plus has not caught on the fad that Facebook has but that should not take you away from using Google Plus. The reason is simple- internet today is made up of many things ‘Google’. Whether you are searching through Google’s search engine or using Google’s Gmail or using Google’s Scholar Search, chances are you would be linked with Google at some place or the other. Most users have a Google account even if they do not actually access Google plus.

How To Effectively Find And Connect With Influential People In Social Media

Networking is the nutrient that keeps businesses growing. Regardless of any business, the fastest way to build a client list is through networking either by recommendations or reputation. If we ask ourselves, how do we get a good source to network from? Traditionally we will say through friends and family. The word “viral” comes from a medical meaning “to spread uncontrollably.” We see it often used on the internet and in virtual statistic reports in relation to content and information. We live, work and even sleep in a virtual world in the 21st century.

Staff Management: The Key to Successful Event Management

One of the most pivotal factors for effective functioning of an event management company is cohesive and productive working of the staff members. It is important for the event manager to use his staff in the right direction to successfully carry out an event. The weight of staff management is escalated significantly in the event management industry. Efficient staff management can get an event company to deliver to their potential. It will contribute to the success in the events and also cement the foundations of the organization for further events. Following are some tips to maintain the right atmosphere in the company and manage the staff well.

5 Things That Can Give Edge to Your Event over the Others

With the recent jump start of the 2013, we have seen several New Year’s celebrations across the globe. A myriad of parties and events are being hosted at several venues to revel the new beginning. It is the season for the event planners to come up with their creativity and host events that can draw maximum people. However, this becomes a difficult task if there is an event happening in every block. It creates confusion amongst the invitees and causes problems for the event organizers in gathering people. Thus in the extreme competition it is important to give your event the extra push that makes it more attractive than others gathering the much wanted attention and attendees. Here are five tips that can give your event the icing on the cake.

Know How To Start Your Own Event Management Company

Who doesn’t want to have a business of their own? There are so many types of business one could start off with. Among the most hotly discussed businesses today is the one of event management. Event management is in great demand in today’s market with different events being organized in increasing numbers. Be it weddings […]

4 Things Every Event Planner Should Know to Organize a Flawless Event

Managing an event can prove to be a tedious job. Out of all the things that you need to take care of, a lot could possibly go wrong resulting in chaos. This could result in all your hard work going waste and the event turning out to be a nightmare. Any event such as a wedding, birthday party or corporate event like press conferences needs a complete event management system for everything to go as planned. With events, it takes time to get things right but disasters can happen any moment. An event manager should keep in mind a few things to organize a flawless event.

9 Easy and Free Last Minute Christmas Decorating Ideas

No other holidays have such a magical and joyous preparation period as Christmas. Probably the best way to get inspired for the holidays is to decorate your house and a Christmas tree. And if you take it one step further and decide to make the decorations and ornaments yourself, then Christmas will be all the more special! Checkout this 9 Creative D.I.Y Christmas Decoration Ideas. Spark your creativity!

How To Organize A “Big Carnival Sale” Of Your Own

We all love a sale, the bigger the better! Malaysia has one, so does Singapore and Thailand. Every year, thousands of people both local and abroad will flock to these sale opportunities. Traveling is made all the more easier with cheaper flight tickets and hotel accommodation for the in-bound visitors. A sale festival is also one of the biggest money generators for economic growth. Organizing such an event on a country-wide scale involves the efforts of many event management organizers as well as participating outlets and the Ministry of Trade and Tourism. What can you do, to be a part of this country-wide event?

How Event Planners Use Pinterest In Event Planning

use Pinterest as an Event Planning System

A virtual pinboard-like social photo-sharing website that lets users make and manage photo collections, Pinterest lets one upload photos based on one’s interests, events and hobbies easily. For event planners, Pinterest is a great way to promote events.

You can use the pinboards for planning different events like weddings, home decoration, travel destinations, birthday bashes, organizing your much loved recipes or pin your favorite accessories, furniture, cars and more that grab your sight. Pinterest allows you to collect and store all your favorite images that appeal you every day while surfing the web. It is simple, updated and most of all – fun!

3 Social Media Marketing Ideas For Event Management Company

The market place is fast becoming more competitive, every business is affected and staying on the forefront of business has now become even more challenging. Those of you in event management businesses will also realize that more competitor companies are springing up, cutting into your share of the revenue pie. Event management solutions to market your own event company is now easily within your grasp. What can you do?

Ways to Live Stream Your Events on YouTube

With the new technology in this modern era, a lot of things have been made possible which one couldn’t even think of in the past. One of such things is the live streaming of an event on YouTube. Sharing through You Tube is a superb way of sharing your event, be it a small party or a large conference, with the special people in your life who were unable to be a part of the event. You may need to undergo a specific process in order to live stream a video on YouTube, which is quite easy and simple to understand.