Event Management Tips

Events Get Social:Promote Your Event with Social Media

Published on: February 4, 2016

The Best Tips to Get More People to Your Event Using Social Media

Do you work in event management? Do you want to stand out in the organization of your upcoming events? Do you desire to gain exposure through social media?

So, you are in the right place! We are going to reveal you some good tips to increase awareness, engagement and sales.

#1  Create Your Own Hashtag

Probably the first important step when you approach a social media strategy is the creation of a hashtag, to be easier identified and found by the audience to and increase social buzz. Your hashtag should meet the same requirements of the brand name: short, easy to remind, pronounce and write, relevant, unique.

Try to promote it well in advance of your event date, including it in everything (website, images, email signature, social network, mobile app), in order to facilitate the engagement of the attendees of the event.

#2  Make a Facebook Event Page

A recent statistic reveals that majority of Facebook users log into the social network at least once per day, with a daily average time spent on it of 22 minutes. It means a unique occasion to generate awareness within you Facebook audience, which will share the event participation and attract the interest of other users. The great advantage of this tool is to stimulate Call-T0-Action, thanks to the button ‘Book now’, that drives traffic to your landing page.

#3  Use Facebook Ads

Use this amazing marketing tool to segment your target audience, thanks to Remarketing. This form of online-targeted advertising allows the marketers to reach those customers who have already visited the website without purchasing. This strategy is very effective to sell big-ticket items, since rarely people are likely to buy the first time they hear of an event.

#4  Double-Side Referral Programs

The aim of a referral marketing campaigns is to convert customers into promoters, thanks to incentives and rewards. If you decide to use this technique to sell tickets, remember to provide customers with a trackable link to share with their contacts. Once the customer shares the link and convinces another one to buy the ticket, both of them will receive a discount or a gadget.

#5  Use the Photos of the Attendees

Make sure you have a good photographer during the event to capture photos of the attendees to use later on your social pages. It would be great if you could tag the people in the pictures: this guarantees you a dynamic social activity, made of likes, comments and shares. World-of-mouth will be generated automatically!

Now that you have all the right tips to hit the big time, let us know how the promotion of your event benefits from a strong social marketing activity! 🙂


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