Event Management Articles, Event Management Tips, How To

How to Market an Event Online: Email Marketing

Published on: January 5, 2015

Email has become a key element in the life of any event manager recently as over 80% of professionals are using it to promote and coordinate their events.

It can be used in many different ways, helping anyone with tasks like event promotion, sending invitations and reminders as well as sending post event thank you notes and surveys.

Here is why email is such a helpful marketing tool:

Low Costs

An email can be send virtually for free or $0.01 per email at most, if you’re paying for an email marketing software. That’s only a fraction of the cost of regular mail.


Email marketing software and tools allow event managers to brand their email templates easily and match it with their website or the event’s theme.

Setting a Schedule

with email, any event manager can easily not only schedule the delivery of the emails but automate the responses as well which saves a lot of time. This includes reminder emails which are always increasing the registration rates.


Email marketing tools make it easy to use custom fields like first name, last name, job title etc to make all of the communication much more personal.


Each email marketing campaign can be tracked and the results can be measured which gives a lot of data for the next time when a similar campaign is launched.


Any campaign can be tested with 10-20% of the list before sending it to the rest of the subscribers.


The recipients of your email can easily forward it to their friends, which also might be interested in your communication.


Emails can include links to either website of the event, social media accounts or any other relevant places which helps with the engagement of the subscriber.

All of the above makes email a great tool and email marketing an amazing strategy to not only promote but also manage any type of event.

We turn the question to you now, is email marketing still your most reliable event communication platform?

Are you ready to host an event and need an easy way to manage and promote it? Send event invitations using Evenesis Email Marketing System to pack the house! (explore templates, upload your contacts, and more)