4 Steps to Make Your Event Invitation Stand out
4 Steps to Make Your Event Invitation Stand out Email is regarded as one of the most effective ways to invite event guests, though the results of an email invitation can be very hit or miss. Some emails are never opened. Others are, but don’t convert to event sales. So how to make your event […]
Increase Registrations: Unlock the Power of Data
This post was written by Justin Gonzalez, Marketing Communication Manager at DoubleDutch. Increase Registrations: Unlock the Power of Data It seems like every blog post, whitepaper, and webinar for event professionals is focused on one thing: data. But in most cases, “data” is little more than a buzzword accompanied by little to no actionable insights. […]
5 Tips for Nonprofessional Event Organizers
5 Tips for Nonprofessional Event Organizers Not a professional event organizer? No problem! Use the tips below to help reduce your event budget, engage your guests, and plan a more successful event. 1. Reserve a Venue Early On Having a venue reserved allows organizers to begin marketing efforts in advance, which would lead to […]
8 Trends for Event Marketing in 2016
8 Trends for Event Marketing in 2016 There is only 2 months left in 2015. How is your business going so far? According to Event Farm, here are 8 trends for event marketing in 2016 you don’t want to miss. 1. The word“experience” is starting to replace “event” The word “experience” was mentioned more and more frequently. […]
Top 5 Most Effective SEO Techniques for Your Business
Top 5 Most Effective SEO Techniques for Your Business As an important approach of digital marketing, SEO (search engine optimization) is invaluable to promote your business and improve your website’s ranking. Check out the top 5 most effective techniques for your business. 1. Keyword optimization First of all, keyword optimization, it is what actually makes […]
We know your event landing page is the primary channel to communicate with your clients, as well as your most important marketing tool. To help you impress your guests and get them excited to register for your event, this article looks at 3 steps for you to make a visually-appealing event page with Evenesis. 1. […]
How to Write a Blog after Your Event
Update Your Blog After Your Events Sending delegates away, packing up all the stuff, your event is done? No! To maximize the visibility of your event, a post-event blog is also very important as it enlarges your event influence, drives traffic to your blog and website, and serves as newsletter content and great marketing material […]
Photo Booth At Events: Yay or Nay?
Photo Booth At Events: Yay or Nay? You may have seen it at some of the events that you attended and now you are wondering, “Should I have a photo booth at my event?” If you want your guests to have fun and remember your event then the answer is a resouding “Yes!”, you should […]
Getting The Right Venue For Your Event
Getting The Right Venue For Your Event Location The venue location is most crucial part for your event plan. You need to consider your guest, how they are going to get there, who are they and where are they coming from. A good location should have good transport links, enough parking space and if you’re […]
如何提高参会率? 无论是对于政府,企业机构还是活动策划公司,参会率是衡量一场活动成功与否的核心标准。那么,让我们一起看看如何做可以提高你的活动参会率吧。 第一步:搭建一个吸引眼球且具有针对性的活动网站 “这是一个看脸的时代”,互联网也是如此,拥有简洁漂亮UI的网站更易受到青睐。详尽的活动信息不仅让参会者全面了解活动本身,更能提升参会人对活动组织者的信任度。更重要的是,你要了解目标参会者的需求,让他们知道“你的活动有何不同”,“为什么要参加你的活动”,“参加你的活动的好处”。这样,更易将潜在的参会者转化为实际参会者。 第二步:简化注册步骤,应用优秀注册工具 简化报名的步骤,让你的参会者能自主并流畅地完成注册过程。此外,调查显示人们平均每天至少查看手机150次,这就意味着,拥有一个手机响应式的活动网站页面也是至关重要的。优秀的会议应用软件Evenesis拥有强大的搭建互动式活动网站、简化注册程序,参会者管理、票务管理等功能,为会议活动管理者节省了时间人力成本的同时,带来了更多的参会者和更高的会议回报率。 第三步:提供多种票价选择,抓住售票黄金期 人们都爱优惠,根据报名时间的不同制定票价激励提前注册和报名,可以吸引更多参会者。售票渠道开通后的一两周是票务销售迅速增长的阶段,另外一个黄金时间则是活动开始前的一两周,利用这个时机加大营销力度会收到不俗的效果,因为有些人就是习惯在最后一刻才做出决定。 第四步:有效执行网上营销策略 在互联网时代,用户活动的习惯有了深刻的变化,人们花在网络上的时间越来越多意味着越来越多的参会者存在于线上社区,线上营销依然成为的必不可缺的策略。在线广告优化,关键词投放、网络广告及 内容营销 策划等成为活动推广的重要手段。 第五步:常与你的参会者互动 与开发新的客户相比,已经存在于你的客户数据库是最直接最有效的潜在参会者。但是仅当有活动推广时才与客户沟通一定不是维护客户关系的良策。定时向客户更新他们相关的行业活动信息,生日祝福甚至是及时的感谢信都是活动组织者要需要坚持做到的,只有这样,你的客户才会知道你了解他们的需求,重视他们,而且知道你一直都还在。
Mobile Apps for Small Events – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The article ‘Mobile Apps for Small Events – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’ was written by a guest writer, Dan McCarthy. More information on the writer can be found at the end of this article. Mobile Apps for Small Events – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Event apps rose to prominence […]
Making The Most Out Of Trade Shows
Making The Most Out Of Trade Shows If you have a product and you would like to engage certain companies, trade shows are probably the best way to reach those companies. This is where hundreds of companies in an industry gather in one place for two or three days. We are all aware that the […]